What is ESTODA?
ES sential T echnique of O riental DA nce - ESTODA
Yasmin al Ghazali developed this system for the conveying of movements in 1996.
Based on physical laws and - without knowing it at the time - also on basic biomechanical rules, all movements known to her at the time were analyzed, taken apart and put together again.
In this regard, the system is not new, but in its consequence well thought out and designed for teaching in a way like never before.
The system is based on the anatomical-physiological possibilities of humans to move and twist their own body - or parts of it - on and with the axes in the body. This results in a logical principle of 6 elementary movements, from which all known movements can be put together.
The rotations: rotation around sagittal axis (seesaw), rotation around the horizontal axis (tilt), rotation around the vertical axis (twist)
The straight lines: sagittal, horizontal, vertical
In addition, there are biomechanical and simple physical rules such as acceleration, weight distribution, pushing and pulling movements and, in particular, shifting the center of gravity and center of pressure point in relation to the pace and rhythm of the corresponding movement. Last but not least, the quantity and time ratio of the individual elementary movements to each other plays an essential role in the clear explanation and execution of the desired movement, e.g. B. 1: 1 with so-called "eights".
What sounds very theoretical here is completely logical in practice, often intuitively correct, but mostly not clearly communicated and prepared for the lessons. Here, ESTODA closes an essential pedagogical-didactic gap in oriental dance classes - although the principle of movement analysis and explanation is easily applicable to other forms of dance.